About Arogyakiran

It is the only organisation for indian health science Ayurveda and Allied Indian Science which is promoting social health awareness through mass session and web both for benefit of healthy well being globally for reaching each & every individual.

Our Vision

We are looking for every single person practicing and implementing proper necessary diet n lifestyle narrated in ayurved classics for a healthy well being 24x7 with respect to current era.

Aims and Objectives

  1. To protect every human from getting diseased frequently supporting
    "Prevention is better than cure"
  2. To aware people regarding different patterns of diet and lifestyle according to changing seasons and personal routine to achieve good health.


A key focus of this activity is boosting IMMUNITY of every single individual which is achieved completely by some minimum changes in routine and diet as per different schedule.

Area of Work

Major aim to promote health in different working sectors accordingly :

  • Industrial Health : Different industries considering their occupational hazards which damage body systems very early will be focused under industrial health.
  • Corporate Health : Different corporate sectors like IT companies,banks,private offices with fully airconditioned rooms will be falling under Corporate health.
  • School Health : Different schools having huge crowd of new generation and young parents fall under School health.
  • Community Health : Different types of institution,NGO,private societies,clubs etc. fall under Community health.
  • Political & Administrative Health : Diferrent types of political servents like Collector, Police, MLAs, Class #1 officers will be categorised under political & Administrative health.

Pattern of Work

Major aim to promote health in different working sectors accordingly:

We as a organisation will be working in a team which consist of many expert advisors who are government certified & qualified in different fields realted health.
Tie up with different Corporate/Institution/School world for the same purpose will benefit to each Employee/Member/Student respectively. Ultimately which will helps to boost their immunity and achieve a good health.
Sessions will majorly work under 3 parts -

  • 1st part of session will deliver the expected diet and lifestyle in next 2-3 months which comprises of expected disease and prevention of the same as mentioned in ayurved.
  • 2nd part of session will deliver a different views regarding health by a different experts other than Ayurved Like Jyotishastra (Astrology), Ratnashastra (Gemology), Mantrashastra, Aankaganitshastra (Numerology) & Vastushastra.
  • 3rd part of session will comprise of Question-Answer session for 15-20 mins.
  • Common lifestyle and dietstyle will be focused along with expected problems why and when its expected to happen.
  • Ultimately all above will result in building strong immunity to be diseased free or less possibility of illness.

Person Behind The Activity

Our strong and Inovative Pillar.

Vaidya Niraj Dandekar

Where To Find Us


Flat No 103, Yasho Anu-ananta Society, Tilak Road, Panvel, India





Join us

Are you Interested to Join this Activity? We welcome Doctors, Businessmen, Any organisations, Schools, Any Professinals & Every Person from the society from every field to initiate Good Health & Immunity through this Activity.

Contact Us

Feel Free to send us messages.